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New Disc Pack

Aleron Ives
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New Disc Pack Empty New Disc Pack

Post  Aleron Ives Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:48 pm

I have released a series of new Dreamcast discs that automatically connect to the Sylverant server. I have created a USv1, USv2, and a USv2 EP disc. All three can be downloaded in a single Torrent in the main downloads section of the site. While you have the option of picking which discs to download, I would appreciate it if you downloaded all of them and helped seed to keep the Torrent healthy.

These discs are made from the NTSC-U version of the game, which means you can use them to create new characters with original serial numbers and access keys, instead of needing to use a shared EUv2 serial. Using USv2 also means that the Ver.2 discs can configure the BBA by selecting "Website" on the title screen, unlike EUv2 discs.

All discs utilize fast loading for character data that is improved from the technique I used in my EUv2 discs, and they are optimized to grind less during loading screens, too. The Ver.2 discs have the Ultimate Map Fix integrated, which means you'll be able to play Famitsu-Maximum Attack- v2 in Ultimate mode without needing to use a loader. bounce

Rather than re-type the entire list of changes, I will instead post the README files included with each disc. Cool





USv2 EP:


I also created a Sparkle Patch that you can use to change the ring effects in both Ver.2 images into sparkles. You can download that patcher in the Dreamcast Downloads section of the site. Both Ver.2 images have different patchers; just patch the CDI files before you burn them. Be aware that the patchers won't work on other discs, including my previous EUv2 releases.

Enjoy! Wink

Last edited by Aleron Ives on Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : This release has been deprecated by my second USv2 disc pack. Please see the new topic for further details.)
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  mahkbooks Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:31 am

Seems I have a problem connecting to the tracker. Is the torrent active?

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aleron Ives Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:42 am

There are multiple trackers. If one doesn't work, try the other. Wink
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  mahkbooks Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:27 am

It's downloading now. Should have it in about 13 hours. Thanks Ives, Really appreciate this. And my Dreamcast appreciates it too, since it will prevent all the wear and tear of switching discs and controllers. Smile

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Brian Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:13 pm

Your work is amazing!


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New Disc Pack Empty Good stuff

Post  Treamcaster Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:46 pm

First of all I would like to thank Ives for this great torrent release.

I'm delighted to see v1 in the pack Cool

Today I booted up the EP disk and started a new game on a spare VMU. Been playing for hours until I beat Vol Opt at lvl 13. I did the run nonstop and in the end I was hopping to revisit the previously beaten areas to activate the pillars in order to open the gate to the ruins... unfortunately that wasn't possible since the areas have been reset. Is this an undocumented fix to the original game?

Overall I'm quite enjoying the experience so far, the drops seem to be very balanced, although I have not found any rares, which is obvious at this point in the game, I feel everything's more accurate. Oh, not to mention the offline map pack which makes the whole adventure less tedious!

I also applied the sparkles patch, and I'm glad I did it, the games looks as it should now.
The loading times are so damn fast, great job on that as well!

Regarding the online play, well I haven't tested it yet because I'm on a new dreamcast and haven't set up the bba with it.

P.S. There is something I would like to ask and this is a little personal request. Ives, could you make a patch where the ugly NPC ladies would be replaced with the GC/ BB ones instead? I heard it's possible. Here are the model skins (guild, Irene and nurse): http://www.univers-ps.com/psobb/skin/listeSkinUS.php5?cat=32
Many thanks in advance!

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aleron Ives Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:54 pm

Treamcaster wrote:Today I booted up the EP disk and started a new game on a spare VMU. Been playing for hours until I beat Vol Opt at lvl 13. I did the run nonstop and in the end I was hopping to revisit the previously beaten areas to activate the pillars in order to open the gate to the ruins... unfortunately that wasn't possible since the areas have been reset. Is this an undocumented fix to the original game?
The areas have always gotten reset after beating Vol Opt for the first time.

Treamcaster wrote:Overall I'm quite enjoying the experience so far, the drops seem to be very balanced, although I have not found any rares, which is obvious at this point in the game, I feel everything's more accurate. Oh, not to mention the offline map pack which makes the whole adventure less tedious!
The drops in Normal and Hard mode weren't changed. Razz

Treamcaster wrote:Ives, could you make a patch where the ugly NPC ladies would be replaced with the GC/ BB ones instead?
It's possible, but that's a lot of data to write in a patch. It would be tedious to do something that large with the CodeFusion patcher, which doesn't support large write operations.

I'm glad people are enjoying these discs. Very Happy Kudos for applying the Sparkle Patch. I didn't want to release a "skinned" disc, since not everyone wanted visual changes, but I New Disc Pack Wub sparklies! bounce
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Treamcaster Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:22 pm

Aleron Ives wrote:The areas have always gotten reset after beating Vol Opt for the first time.

The heck? That's not completely true I guess. I don't remember if I did it with v1 or v2, but I used to do this in the past, and the previously visited areas were open, with new boxes and items. Also, if I didn't pick a certain item in a certain box location on the first run, the new item would appear collided with the old one in the same spot.

Aleron Ives wrote:The drops in Normal and Hard mode weren't changed. Razz
Lol, awkward moment for me Razz

Aleron Ives wrote:It's possible, but that's a lot of data to write in a patch.
Ok, I'll wait for a torrent update Surprised *fingers crossed*

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aleron Ives Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:33 am

Treamcaster wrote:I don't remember if I did it with v1 or v2, but I used to do this in the past, and the previously visited areas were open, with new boxes and items. Also, if I didn't pick a certain item in a certain box location on the first run, the new item would appear collided with the old one in the same spot.
That's what always happens when you beat Vol Opt for the first time. Forest 2, Cave 2, Cave 3, and Mine 2 disappear from the area list, your Telepipe disappears, and all the doors, enemies, and boxes go back to their default state. The only things that remain from the previous run are the items on the ground and the fill state of the area map. Sega did that so you'd have to clear all the areas again, instead of just returning to Forest 2, Cave 2, and Mine 2 to activate the pillars necessary to enter the Ruins.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Treamcaster Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:52 am

Ahh, you're right. I must have mistaken the "open doors" and "no enemies left" part. My bad Embarassed

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aoko Thu May 03, 2012 4:18 pm

I'm just wondering if there are people that could end up seeding this torrent. I was truly ecstatic to see that not only did you host not just v1 and v2, but v2 2 with the EP but also that you have basically redone things with them in general. This is aMEOWzing! It just sux not being able to consistently download it. =( and one of the seeders kept phasing in and out so it made downloading rather tedious. It's too bad that for now I can't play the DC version online at all since I don't have a BBA or an internet connection at home (and I'm pretty sure McDonalds right up the road would not like it if I brought in my JDC, a power strip, and asked for a hard wiring to their intrawebz xD).

Amazing stuff, though. You are always impressing me Ives. Cool

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aleron Ives Thu May 03, 2012 5:21 pm

Since it's possible to ask for seeders here, I think this system is easier to maintain than trying to upload the files somewhere, since most hosts would delete them after a few weeks and require me to upload the discs over and over again.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aoko Thu May 03, 2012 6:15 pm

Aye, that makes complete sense, too. I thought that you putting it up like this was just made of pure win and god, plain and simple. =D

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Treamcaster Fri May 04, 2012 9:17 am

Every time I on the pc I'm seeding...

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  mahkbooks Fri May 04, 2012 5:12 pm

These discs are very stable, and things seem to load faster. I have not yet FSODed online while playing except for very rarely when joining a party ( i guess if not everyone is on pioneer 2, this may happen), which happens even with the GD. Just in case though, I haven't been carrying any unnecessary unequipped items either. Thank you Ives, for providing us with your efforts!

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aoko Tue May 08, 2012 1:39 pm

I've hit a bit of an...odd wall.

After downloading the v1 disk and burned it (following the instructions in the readme), I went to test it and see if it was working right and proper. Lo and behold, it booted up! (My JDC is a model made, I do believe, in July 2000 or something like that; I know it's made before Sept 2000)

The problem I have encountered, since I'm using a JDC, is that when I try to do ANYTHING other than Website (which doesn't work anyway since I don't have an internet connection in the RV where I'm staying), I get a long message, written in Japanese and then led to a screen where the keyboard pops up and right above where the orange highlighted line says something along the lines of...something member something tekudasai, basically. xD (Even when going to Options it does this, hence why I'm having the problem, since I cant' even change the language in Options)

I'm wondering if that's something that pertains to the serial number?

And I can't play it on my NTSC DC since it was made after Sept 2000 and doesn't want to boot up Utopia BootDisk at all (both of my DC's are unmodded, btw). Needless to say, since I'm by no means fluent in Japanese, I'm just trying to figure out what this menu is and if I can somehow get past it.

Kinda frustrating knowing that I have your good working copy of PSOv1 US but can't get anywhere since I don't know what that menu is for. @.@

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aleron Ives Tue May 08, 2012 1:50 pm

Uh, you do know the disc is selfboot, right? You don't need, and should not use, Utopia. It breaks PSO by booting it incorrectly. All PSO discs require a serial number and access key, which you can get from a retail copy of the game, as long as it's listed as new (or at least complete). You should pick up retail copies of USv1/2, so you can get unique serials. They're more useful than shared ones.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aoko Tue May 08, 2012 1:56 pm

Yeah, I figured the disks were self-boot, esp considering it booted up perfectly without any trouble on my JDC. I was just experimenting with my NTSC DC to see if it could read it (and it can't, oh joy! xD).

But that's exactly what I needed to know. Thank you very much for that bit. ^_^ I figured that I had to have the serial number and access key from a legit copy but I honestly wanted to make sure.

Time to go digging on amazon and/or ebay to see if there are any games with (edit: lol) serials/access keys. @.@

Last edited by Aoko on Tue May 08, 2012 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aleron Ives Tue May 08, 2012 2:07 pm

Any Dreamcast should be able to boot the disc, as Sega only disabled MIL-CD support in the final production run. It's possible that your other Dreamcast's laser is too weak to read the disc, unless it boots other CD media successfully.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Aoko Tue May 08, 2012 2:20 pm

Hmmm...I'll have to look into that. 'Cause I know it boots up both Evolution and Evolution 2 (legit games) without any trouble at all, yet when I tried to boot your repackaged PSOv1 US, it would continually give me the "Please insert disk blah blah blah" stuffs. I'll have to check the date on the bottom of the other DC to see if it was a part of the final production line later tonight (since I'm at school atm).

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  ectara Fri May 11, 2012 5:00 pm

Would it be possible for anyone that has the discs downloaded already to seed them? Also, if possible, can someone upload a torrent file with trackers other than UDP protocols? Not all of our clients support it. I'd be happy to seed when I finish downloading them.


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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Treamcaster Sat May 12, 2012 10:20 am

I'm seeding. Very Happy

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  ectara Sun May 13, 2012 11:59 am

Much appreciated, my friend. Very Happy


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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Treamcaster Sun May 13, 2012 2:46 pm

The more the better! Wink

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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

Post  Dreamcaseal Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:08 pm

yall need to seed the dreamcast torrent for real wtf man.


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New Disc Pack Empty Re: New Disc Pack

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