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Disc Pack 2.0

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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Disc Pack 2.0

Post  Aleron Ives Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:51 pm

I have released a second pack of Dreamcast discs that automatically connect to the Sylverant server. As before, you can get the new torrent in the main downloads section of the site.

The main reason for the update is that these discs are the first PSO Ver.2 CD-Rs ever to have fixed the freezing problems when loading character data outside of Pioneer 2!

They said it couldn't be done, but now it has. With these new discs, the following activities are now possible:

  1. You can play in teams without a password, as your game won't freeze if another player joins your team when you're not on Pioneer 2.
  2. You can play the offline quests without freezing when the game loads NPC data outside of Pioneer 2.
  3. You can play Challenge mode without freezing at the beginning of each stage.

Huzzah! Cool After extensive research and testing, we finally have a CD-R release of PSO Ver.2 that matches the original GD-ROM in terms of game stability. With these discs, you no longer need to use your US GD-ROM at all, and if you would normally be using a PAL or JP GD-ROM, the only time you would need your original disc is to take a new character online for the very first time. Any PSO Ver.2 character that has been online at least once is fully compatible with these discs.

As before, I am releasing a "normal" USv2 disc and a USv2 disc with the Enhancement Pack. The discs are otherwise the same as my original USv2 releases, except that the EP disc now also includes the Offline Quest Pack, since it is finally possible to play the offline quests without crashing the game. Smile

The USv1 disc is also still included and hasn't changed since the original release.

Rather than re-type the entire list of changes, I will instead post the README files included with each disc. Cool



USv2 EP:

I also updated the Sparkle Patch for the Shifta, Deband, Jellen, and Zalure effects to work with the new discs. You can grab the patcher in the Dreamcast Downloads section of the site if you want to patch the CDIs before burning them. As before, each disc has its own patcher, and the patches won't work with other discs.

I didn't expect to be the first person to fix the infamous CD-R FSOD problem after all these years, but I won't complain about beating everyone else to the punch, either. Wink

Keep Dreamcasting! bounce
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  mahkbooks Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:38 am

Am downloading right now!  Hopefully will see you guys next Saturday with no fsods! Laughing

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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  Treamcaster Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:46 pm

OMFG, you nailed it dude!! Yeah, unbelievable! Glad to see you've updated the sparkle patch as well. Guess I'll be giving EP another oportunity this time Smile

Great job Ives!

P.S Looking forward to try out this 'offline quest pack' bonus! Very interesting stuff indeed.

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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  KypherX Fri May 15, 2015 6:43 am

Ty for this I'm trying to dl your version but there are no seeds can you guys seed for a while for me? When I'm done I'll seed for a week or longer. Whatever is needed.


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Registration date : 2015-05-15

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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  Nico0020 Fri May 15, 2015 8:13 am

I finally got this downloaded after about 5 days or so. I'll keep seeding as much as possible, although my internet here keeps me from connecting to people a lot of the time (although its fast as hell.) We need to get this uploaded to the dcisozone
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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  KypherX Fri May 15, 2015 8:33 am

I got the USV2 ep ver, and it's running very fast is that normal for that ver? It also has no sounds. In that case I think I need to get the non ep v2 version. Can someone please seed again.


Number of posts : 4
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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  Nico0020 Fri May 15, 2015 10:30 am

What exactly do you mean by running really fast?

Also it should have sound, in fact the audio should be better than the original GDrom. I'm seeing but I guess we are not connecting... I hate my internet here.

Did you follow the burning instructions included in the readme?
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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  KypherX Fri May 15, 2015 2:30 pm

It's fine now my bad I redone it all and now it's good to go. But it's giving me a error about my isp when I try to go online. Ty for the reply s.


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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  Aleron Ives Fri May 15, 2015 9:51 pm

If you're using the BBA, you need to connect your modem again and configure a fake dial-up ISP with a DC web browser. PSO is stupid and checks for a dial-up ISP even when you use the BBA and won't let you go online without an ISP saved to the flash memory.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Disc Pack 2.0 Empty Re: Disc Pack 2.0

Post  KypherX Sat May 16, 2015 9:22 am

Thank you very much for the help.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2015-05-15

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