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planetweb 2.6

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planetweb 2.6 Empty planetweb 2.6

Post  zharima Sun May 17, 2015 2:50 am


Does anyone have a link for Planetweb 2.6 they could be so kind to help with?

I know I can use the boot disk for PSO, but this is for configuring some other stuff with Dreamcast, and the settings are limited in Dreamkey 3.0 (PAL)

Seems to be impossible to find Planetweb v2.6 and v3.0 for BBA is no good for my dial up modem master race!

Thanks if you can help !!


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2015-05-17

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planetweb 2.6 Empty Re: planetweb 2.6

Post  Aleron Ives Sun May 17, 2015 12:57 pm


PW discs are pretty cheap, and if you use 1.0, you get the benefit of a flash memory eraser, too. Razz
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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