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Shield Fix Patch

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Shield Fix Patch Empty Shield Fix Patch

Post  Aleron Ives Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:18 pm

The Shield Fix Patch is out now for PSO PC. Finally PC players can get shields with good DFP. Smile

Note that if you used the old Garon's Shop to upgrade your shields, they will lose their EVP bonuses after you apply this fix. Sadly, this is an unavoidable side effect of fixing the bug. Using the fix is required if you want to upgrade your shields in the new Garon's Shop that comes out next week.

Phantasy Star Online PC
Shield Fix Patch
Patcher by: Aleron Ives
Patch by: Soly


Welcome to the Shield Fix Patch for PSO PC. The purpose of this patch is to fix a bug in the game's legitimacy checker. The game compares a shield's maximum allowed EVP bonus against the actual DFP bonus, and it compares the shield's maximum allowed DFP bonus against the actual EVP bonus. Since rare shields usually allow up to +50 extra DFP and +15 extra EVP, any barrier that drops with > 15 extra DFP violates the faulty legit check, so the game sets the DFP boost to 0, mistakenly thinking that you hacked the shield with too much DFP. Since the real EVP range of 15 is much less than the DFP range of 50, the EVP never gets erased. Comparing the shield's real DFP and EVP to the maximum allowed DFP and EVP solves the problem.


After downloading and unzipping the PSO_PC_Shield_Fix_Patch.zip archive, you should have this README.txt file and the actual patching program.

First, navigate to where PSO PC is installed. Usually, this is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGA\PhantasyStarOnline\

but it might be different for you. This folder contains files like "pso.exe", "autorun.exe", and "online.exe". Run the program "PSO_PC_Shield_Fix_Patch.exe", and click the "..." button. The patcher will ask you for the location of your "pso.exe" file. Select the "pso.exe" file in the folder where PSO is installed and click the "Start" button. The patcher should report that "pso.exe" was successfully patched, and then it will close. That's it!


1) If the patching program gives an error that says:

"pso.exe - File not found, or File access error!"

make sure you selected the correct file and that "pso.exe" is not set to "Read-only".

2) If the patching program gives an error that says:

"pso.exe - File size/version missmatch!"

your "pso.exe" file is incompatible with the patch. You can get a compatible version of "pso.exe" from the PSO Palace PC Downloads page.


Thanks go out to Soly for finding the bug in PSO PC and to Ralf for finding the source of the problem in PSO GC.

That's the end of this README; I hope everyone enjoys having better shields. Don't forget to visit PSO Palace, the home of this patch.

Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
Socially-Devoid Member
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Age : 36
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