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[Downloads] Custom Quests

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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Treamcaster Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:29 pm

Here's the topic! Make good use of it Smile
Also, don't forget to mention whether is v1 or v2 compatible.

Is there any way, TTF could be ported to v1? We really need it!

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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Aleron Ives Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:09 pm

Currently I don't think we can do anything with Ver.1.

I'm not sure, but I think Ver.1 uses slightly different encoding for its quests than Ver.2. The easiest way to test this would be to resave the Ver.1 Lost HEAT SWORD and then try to load it, and then see if it FSODs or not. If it does then it's a problem with the editor.

The main trouble with Ver.1 is we really have no clue what its limitations are. We presume that Ver.2 has more opcodes than Ver.1 since Sega didn't port anything from Ver.2 backwards, but we don't know what Ver.2 can do that Ver.1 can't. The only Ver.1 quests we can examine are the Hopkins quests, Nightmares and Mopups, Download quests, and the offline quests.

When I made LHV I attempted to port it to Ver.1 because it doesn't use any exotic script, but I merely FSOD when I tried to load it. I don't know if that's because it wasn't saving properly or I used stuff that Ver.1 doesn't support... I have a feeling it's the former.
Aleron Ives
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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Treamcaster Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:44 pm

Aww, that's bad to hear. Anyways, any custom made v2 quests available?

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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Aleron Ives Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:07 pm

Lost HAVOC VULCAN is available year-round, and Christmas Catastrophe is available in December. Wink

I'm currently working on another project that will hopefully be done soon... ;_;
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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Nico0020 Mon May 12, 2008 5:15 am

any info on what this "other project" is?
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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Aleron Ives Mon May 12, 2008 1:07 pm

Aside from that I just finished it this morning, nope. Wink Now we just have to do the final testing to make sure everything is working... Our BB test yesterday worked perfectly aside from the few aesthetic and grammatical things I wanted to fix.
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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Treamcaster Fri May 16, 2008 2:12 pm

Hey Aleron!
I always wanted to create a quest myself, however the lack of information on the few quest editors that exist prevented me to think about it.
Now I wanna get into it, so could you share the editor you use for making DC/ PC quests? This could help growing these old and beloves versions of PSO..

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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Aleron Ives Fri May 16, 2008 2:47 pm

The editor is not public software, which you can see if you read the Quest forum on Schtserv. Razz Schthack chose to keep things private, so to my knowledge the editor will never be released to the general public. The purpose of this section so that if people have ideas for potential quests, they can be refined and turned into reality.
Aleron Ives
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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Treamcaster Fri May 16, 2008 4:18 pm

Holly cow.. now since Shcthack's gone, why not release it? I don't mean BB compatible, but at least PC/ DC. We have just a few PC/ DC custom quests, 2 or 3, maybe 4. The community would sure like to make stuff for the others to play, and there could also be made contests, whereas the best quests would be uploaded to the server so everyone could enjoy them. Don't get me wrong, but I guess it's kinda selfish not release it.

I understand that the Server's software may remain private, because if it didn't many people would spread and leave the main server. However, a quest editor, would simply attract even more people to the older version, wich would give much more dynamic to the game itself, but also to the website and staff in orther to choose the best quests and stuff...

I think this should be thought.. if I was a member from the staff, I would be enjoying it myself, although seeing that I am not the only one that would have fun doing it, I would certainly consider sharing my pleasure.

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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Aleron Ives Fri May 16, 2008 9:55 pm

Corey asked the same thing on Schtserv in the BB event thread, located here.

To simplify my response, I will post what I posted there:

quest events are unlikely unless Crono and x people who have the editor decide to release it (which I'm not really sure why they don't but whatever)
To put an end to this right now, my understanding was that Schthack, Myria, and Clara all spent a shitload of time on the quest editor. Myria and Clara documented a huge number of opcodes, and Schthack implemented a highly advanced GUI compared to anything else available. Schthack did not want to just hand all this work out to people so they could use it. If people want their own editor, they can make one themselves by putting forth the same amount of effort. This is essentially the same reason why Schthack did not release the full server.

In another light that is relevant now, what exactly do people think would happen if everyone had the ability to make quests? The majority of ideas posted on this forum are garbage that consist of either mass killing or getting free items. The people who do have the knowledge to create quests on their own have created garbage quests like having every enemy in a PW quest changed to Gi-Gue or having all the Rappies in Fake in Yellow changed to Al Rappies. Then you have Cry0s quest which hands you a million enemies on a silver platter and also contains inappropriate content for a game rated T.

To add to that, you have Tink who had the most advanced quest editor possible that makes creating custom quests as easy as it could possibly be without having Sega's tools, and what does she do? Half assed shitfests comprised of plagiarizing Sega's quests by adding more monsters to them and adding crappy dialogue that has spelling worse than that of a fourth grader. Oh, and don't forget the set rare enemy. :rolleyes:

Now imagine if everyone could make quests. We'd be flooded with retarded quests and people would be creating quests to get their 127% untekked Double Cannons and then calling it legit. With knowledge and power comes responsibility, and the majority of the PSO players are immature and greedy. Almost nobody cares about creating good quests, everyone just wants faster leveling and easier items. The only good idea I think perhaps ever posted on this forum was the Orochi Bloodline quest series.


Now, as for quest ideas for events, it does take a long time to make and test a quest, and it's depressing to create something that will only be used for a limited period of time. That's a lot of work that will not be enjoyed for even a year. I somehow doubt Shadowfox will want to undertake something like that. Razz

As for Ver.2, I don't see why people can't post their ideas for the people who can make quests to turn them into reality.
Aleron Ives
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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Treamcaster Sat May 17, 2008 4:12 am

I understand what't writen there. The authors had a lot of work, and realing it sometimes is hard, when people are not greatfull enough.
However, I don't agree very well with the whole argument which is based on cheater users whou might do crap and shite. What about the legit ones, don't they deserve a chance?

But that's ok, I understand.
Anyways, are there any released "3rd party" editors? I had one very tinny long time ago, however never used it.

I shall make a quest request than Wink

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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Aleron Ives Sat May 17, 2008 3:16 pm

soulja has a very primitive editor which, last I saw, didn't do much of anything. The only way to make quests yourself is to do it the hard way with a hex editor.
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[Downloads] Custom Quests Empty Re: [Downloads] Custom Quests

Post  Treamcaster Sat May 17, 2008 7:10 pm

Yeah, I donwload his version and really seems tinny.
Anyways, thanks for the info.

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