Do we have any Battlers left?
Flash T.H.
The Dude
Aleron Ives
13 posters
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Do we have any Battlers left?
Well, I rather miss a good Battle these days. I doubt there are many veterans left, but does anyone have any desire to learn? I suppose I could put a Battle section on my site sometime if people would use it...
"Fear the HUnewearl."
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
Good to know someone's still interested on this mode.
I like it not only because we got 2 new stages (woot!) but also because it's competitive. Unfortunately not many people enjoy it.
I like it not only because we got 2 new stages (woot!) but also because it's competitive. Unfortunately not many people enjoy it.
Treamcaster- Turbo Member
- Number of posts : 446
Age : 34
Registration date : 2008-03-25
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
I think that's because a lot of people don't even know the Rules exist. Most people just go to Forest 1 and get bored. It's nice to battle as other players are a lot smarter than the game's AI. Of course most people like to win, and PSO isn't really a competitive game... >.<
"Fear the HUnewearl."
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
Yeah that's right, which is a shame... and a good reason for you to build the battle section on your website
Treamcaster- Turbo Member
- Number of posts : 446
Age : 34
Registration date : 2008-03-25
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
The trouble is a lot of Battle mode is instinct and personal style, I'm not sure how much I can teach people to be a good fighter but I guess I can try. ^^;
"Fear the HUnewearl."
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
Yeah I've BA.
The Dude- Member
- Number of posts : 4
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-03-25
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
You dug that out just for this topic? Awww.
"Fear the HUnewearl."
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
The Dude wrote:
Yeah I've BA.
LOL!, Dude that is one of the very rare outcomes isn't it? Or did you seriously get better than the almighty Ives while I've been away for ages? (doubtful lol)
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
The thing about B3 is that you can sometimes get screwed when you don't get any good weapons. If the boxes in your room yield Canes and Rifles, you're in trouble lol. I believe this was either one of those times, or it was the first of our rounds so I hadn't warmed up yet. IIRC I pwned him afterwards.Siku wrote:LOL!, Dude that is one of the very rare outcomes isn't it? Or did you seriously get better than the almighty Ives while I've been away for ages? (doubtful lol)
Tazz was the only person who got close to equally as skilled as me after I had pwned him so many times and he learned all the tricks of the trade. Of course now that he's just a drunk all the time in college or wherever he went... he doesn't sign on anymore.
"Fear the HUnewearl."
I would absolutely love to play battlemode more often just because I have yet to see and experience all the maps and music that I can't view otherwise. Still going through the PSO PC readme, but I hope to get it all working today so I can PLAAAAAAAAY!
Not only that, but I haven't found anyone to go through all the online quests with.
I would absolutely love to play battlemode more often just because I have yet to see and experience all the maps and music that I can't view otherwise. Still going through the PSO PC readme, but I hope to get it all working today so I can PLAAAAAAAAY!
Not only that, but I haven't found anyone to go through all the online quests with.
Ren and Mr. Test
Sorry about my being perturbed the other night. I'm not used to battle mode. Won't happen again.
Anyway, do enemy monsters drop items when/if you defeat them? Next time let's all gang up on one.
In that one battle we had, do you guys start out with techniques or did you find them in item boxes?
Also, there is one space battle I've played where there is a path you can take that seems to go on forever. I played it one time with someone else who had hardly played battle before. After a while, instead of battling each other, we worked together to go as far down the path as we could, but time ran out. Anyone know what I'm talking about or want to try that battle map to see where it goes?
Anyway, do enemy monsters drop items when/if you defeat them? Next time let's all gang up on one.
In that one battle we had, do you guys start out with techniques or did you find them in item boxes?
Also, there is one space battle I've played where there is a path you can take that seems to go on forever. I played it one time with someone else who had hardly played battle before. After a while, instead of battling each other, we worked together to go as far down the path as we could, but time ran out. Anyone know what I'm talking about or want to try that battle map to see where it goes?
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
I don't remember if enemies drop items, they might. However, IIRC if you kill them you get negative points. I might be wrong on that. Killing them is a waste of time, rather you should set traps near them so that other players get confused/frozen and then die.
In Battle, you keep all Techniques you have from the regular game. If you know it in freeplay, you know it in Battle. If you don't know it in freeplay, you don't know it in Battle. However, the levels of your Techs get changed, and the TP costs are also changed. Resta takes over 100 TP to use.
You're thinking of Rule 7, Obstacle Course aka Meseta Race. At the end there's a box with 100 Meseta, whoever has the most Meseta when time runs out wins. Kills do not matter unless everyone has 0 Meseta at the end.
In Battle, you keep all Techniques you have from the regular game. If you know it in freeplay, you know it in Battle. If you don't know it in freeplay, you don't know it in Battle. However, the levels of your Techs get changed, and the TP costs are also changed. Resta takes over 100 TP to use.
You're thinking of Rule 7, Obstacle Course aka Meseta Race. At the end there's a box with 100 Meseta, whoever has the most Meseta when time runs out wins. Kills do not matter unless everyone has 0 Meseta at the end.
"Fear the HUnewearl."
zoom zoom zoom
Yeah! Number 7 is the one. I was on this morning playing that one with another guy. The first time we played was all right, but the second time... OMG, the sharks were running around faster than any monster in Ultimate mode!!! I mean, LIGHTNING FAST!!! And the other guy got stuck under a floor at one point for the rest of the game till the time ran out. He said he could see the monsters feet above him walking around. (at least he won that round!)
Anyone else experienc that/is it a common bug?
Anyone else experienc that/is it a common bug?
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
I've never heard of it. Were you doing DC/PC? Battle mode doesn't work quite right. Some rules do, some don't.
"Fear the HUnewearl."
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
Oh, yeah, to see a shark on your HUD map zoom over to you at warp speed is kind of scary. He might have been DC, I don't know. And that floating sphere was just completely wacked out. It was stretching out and back really quickly and intersecting with everyting.
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
The fast Sharks is part of the rule, it is not a bug.
"Fear the HUnewearl."
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
Can't be. The first time we played they walked around all normal-like. Then when time ran out, instead of playing again straight away, we went back to the visual lobby and then I started another battle game and he joined and we did rule 7 again, and that's when the sharks sped up.
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
In that case, it was bugged the first time. Fast sharks are part of the rule. They run really fast and 1 hit KO you when you get hit.
"Fear the HUnewearl."
Re: Do we have any battlers left?
I will be battling when my level is high enough and i've beaten Dark Falz, but how do you play battle mode exactly? Just shoot each other? Or is it adventuring and trying to get to the end of each area first? Or is there a selection of battle mode only maps that you go around and fight other players while protecting yourself from enemies? Just curious.
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
Battle mode does not depend on what level you are. From what I understand, though, which techniques you've learned are carried over to Battle mode. Specific techniques, not the technique level.
There are7 8 rules (ways to play battle mode) and they include maps that you can't see outside of battle mode. I haven't played battle mode enough to tell you what each rule is, but it is fun.
I think people don't play battle mode often because you cannot level your character "permanently". However, the next time you see me and want to do battle, I'm up for it.
There are
I think people don't play battle mode often because you cannot level your character "permanently". However, the next time you see me and want to do battle, I'm up for it.
Last edited by stasher on Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
I need help, too
You're not the only one. I'm willing to gently practice with you when we have the chance online, but I can't guarentee that I'll be a good teacher. I haven't played all the battle maps myself.
Re: Do we have any Battlers left?
I'm listening to Tricktrack as I write this, lol. XD
"Fear the HUnewearl."
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