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Server Migration

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Server Migration Empty Server Migration

Post  Aleron Ives Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:47 pm

As you've probably noticed, the Sylverant site and server have been down for a few days. BlueCrab is in the process of moving us to a new host, and connectivity is partially restored now. If you use my auto-connect DC discs, you should be able to connect, and PSO PC should be able to connect now, as well. If you use the DNS redirection method to connect, you'll need to change DNS 1 to

Note that it might take a while for your ISP's DNS server to notice that sylverant.net has a new IP address, so if you can't connect right away, you should be able to connect later. I would advise against actually trying to play right now, since BlueCrab may need to restart the server as he finishes setting things up. I'll post another update when things are back to normal.

Sorry for the inconvenience, folks!
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Server Migration Empty Re: Server Migration

Post  Aleron Ives Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:50 pm

Everything should be back to normal now. Huzzah! cheers
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Number of posts : 2202
Age : 36
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