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Garon's Scheme

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Garon's Scheme Empty Garon's Scheme

Post  Aleron Ives Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:10 pm

Download Quest

Required VMU Blocks for Dreamcast: 34

Can you retrieve
an "item" from
Ragol's forest?

Client: Garon, trader
I want you to go down
to Ragol's forest and
retrieve a certain
"item" for me.
Reward: 500 Meseta


Yes, Garon's at it again. This is the last JPBB quest that needed translation and conversion, so thanks go to Cranberry for helping again. It's pretty short and simple, but it does serve a useful purpose. JPBB used this quest to give out a few "joke" items, and since none of them exist in Ver.2, I had to change the prizes. I once said that I would make the items from Sunset at the Secret Base available for PC, and I fulfill that promise with this quest. Very Happy

Like Sunset at the Secret Base, you can only get each item once per character and difficulty setting, but unlike the DC quest, what you get will differ depending on the character and difficulty setting you use. I'm not going to reveal what you get where, but I will say that nothing in the quest is randomized, so don't worry about getting short-changed by chance. Wink

Dreamcast Notes:

  1. Because this quest shares the same items as Sunset at the Secret Base and only lets you get each item once, you cannot get items from both that quest and this one. If you get the items from this quest, you can't get them from the other one, and if you already got items from Sunset at the Secret Base, you won't get them again in this one.
  2. This quest contains an NPC teammate that only loads while you are on Pioneer 2. If the NPC dies, you will be sent back to the hospital, where the NPC will come back to life. Since loading player data usually works on CD-R copies while you're on Pioneer 2, the quest should be safe to play on fast-loading discs. If your disc likes to FSOD when loading player data in any location, then use a GD-ROM. Don't say I didn't warn you. Wink

Have fun! Cool

Last edited by Aleron Ives on Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  Aurelli Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:21 pm

Since I can't play Blue Burst without running slowly 90% of the time on this laptop, (and that's WITH most compatible fog mode and lowest settings + frameskip) and since I finally got my HP characters transferred here. I'll definitely be giving this a try, sounds neat. XD

(I'll also start coming on AIM again, no idea why I stopped.) Neutral
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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  mahkbooks Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:40 am

Aurelli wrote:Since I can't play Blue Burst without running slowly 90% of the time on this laptop, (and that's WITH most compatible fog mode and lowest settings + frameskip) and since I finally got my HP characters transferred here. I'll definitely be giving this a try, sounds neat. XD

(I'll also start coming on AIM again, no idea why I stopped.) Neutral

Come play with us online sometime! We'd love to have you!

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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  Aurelli Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:09 pm

I actually try to a lot, but I guess I've inherited my family's bad timing! most of the time I come on, there's nobody there! Razz

I'd much rather play with you people than play with what 90% of the "people" at SCHT BB are.
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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  mahkbooks Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:21 pm

Aurelli wrote:I actually try to a lot, but I guess I've inherited my family's bad timing! most of the time I come on, there's nobody there! Razz

I'd much rather play with you people than play with what 90% of the "people" at SCHT BB are.
I'm sure there will be someone on this weekend. That's when we seem to have more time. Good luck!

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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  Treamcaster Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:20 am

The quest is fun and runs fine with the EP.
I'm very glad with the prize I got.

Don't see this if you haven't done the quest yet.

Next time I'll do it on normal-mode to see what I get.
Also, I couldn't stop laughing at the dumb NPC casting ice techniques at Boomas Laughing

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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  Aleron Ives Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:02 pm

There's more than one item per difficulty, you know. Sunset at the Secret Base gave out a lot of stuff. Razz
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  Treamcaster Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:27 pm

Aleron Ives wrote:There's more than one item per difficulty, you know. Sunset at the Secret Base gave out a lot of stuff. Razz

I repeated the quest on hard-mode, and all I got was a bag full of nothing. The NPC ran away with my egg.

The third time I did the quest, (first time on normal-mode) I got the same item I received the first time doing the quest on hard-mode.
Is this right or is it a bug?

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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  Aleron Ives Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:59 pm

The quest iterates through the same list of prizes but with different attributes on a per-difficulty basis. Sunset at the Secret Base gave you everything in a single run, but I decided to make you work a little harder for your goodies than Sega did. Cool
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  Aleron Ives Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:07 pm

Since I was going to the trouble of updating the other downloadable quests, I decided to give this quest the same treatment I gave the others to reduce its memory requirements. It shouldn't make any difference in the gameplay, but if you really need space on your VMU, the new quest is 1 block smaller than the old one. Laughing
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Garon's Scheme Empty Re: Garon's Scheme

Post  Aleron Ives Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:31 pm

I'm pleased to announce that this quest is now available on Ver.1. Very Happy The Ver.1 edition requires 33 blocks on your memory card. bounce
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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