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Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash

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Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash Empty Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash

Post  Moopthehedgehog Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:46 pm

Recently, I've been toying with the idea of doing non-illegal things involving connecting the Dreamcast's BBA to my PC. Hopefully this won't be overstepping that boundary.

Using the tool httpd-ack, I'm able to see my dreamcast's bios and flash files, as well as the console's syscalls file. Would downloading/dumping/backing up the flash file be a legal way to essentially create a backup of my Dreamcast's Flash memory (pso sn/ak, etc)? And, if so, what it do me any good to have a backup of this flash memory?
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Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash Empty Re: Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash

Post  hayame Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:24 pm

I wouldn't call it illegal to dump your bios/flash, illegal would be distributing it. So to say just like making your own back up games from YOUR own copy, it's totally legal, just don't distribute.

I think backing up your flash is a good way to be prepared for a dreamcast switch (say if the one you use borked on j00), Then again that's one of my least worries.

Edit: lets not forget that if you do dump your bios, you can use it on a dreamcast emulator and get away with it Very Happy.. that is if you're also using an iso of yours Razz
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Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash Empty Re: Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash

Post  Aleron Ives Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:38 pm

hayame wrote:lets not forget that if you do dump your bios, you can use it on a dreamcast emulator and get away with it Very Happy.. that is if you're also using an iso of yours Razz
This is essentially the only useful purpose behind dumping your BIOS. The only way to legally use an emulator for a system like PSX, Sega CD, or Dreamcast is to dump the BIOS from your own system. Downloading the BIOS files is illegal, which is why emulator authors don't include them. There's no other use for saving the flash memory, as it's less hassle to simply wipe a new Dreamcast and re-enter the information normally.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash Empty Re: Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash

Post  hayame Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:48 pm

Aleron Ives wrote:
hayame wrote:lets not forget that if you do dump your bios, you can use it on a dreamcast emulator and get away with it Very Happy.. that is if you're also using an iso of yours Razz
This is essentially the only useful purpose behind dumping your BIOS. The only way to legally use an emulator for a system like PSX, Sega CD, or Dreamcast is to dump the BIOS from your own system. Downloading the BIOS files is illegal, which is why emulator authors don't include them.

Would the same things apply towards roms as well? I usually download ROMs only if i actually have a physical copy of the game, but I still don't know if that's legal (probably isn't). It is funny how they have emulators on the android market though.
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Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash Empty Re: Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash

Post  Aleron Ives Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:05 pm

Downloading a ROM is always illegal. You're only allowed to make your own copy of your own game. That's the only legal way to use an emulator to do something (aside from writing your own game), which of course means that almost nobody can legally use an emulator, since the transfer cables for game cartridges are hard to find. As for Android, Google doesn't police their market very much. Apple complied to requests from senators to delete programs for helping people avoid DUI checkpoints, whereas Google refused to remove the DUI bypass programs from its store.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash Empty Re: Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash

Post  hayame Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:45 pm

Lol affraid that is insane.. Well apple may have did that but I wouldn't be surprised if they would have similar apps on cydia (Jailbroken app store), Recently they also rejected Greg Hughes app called WiFi-Sync, then end up having it as a new feature in their upcoming update. Meh

Sigh.. better delete these roms Neutral
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Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash Empty Re: Backing Up Dreamcast's Flash

Post  Moopthehedgehog Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:59 am

Oh yay, so dumping my own games to get the soundtracks for my own personal use is ok?
Sweet! I knew this BBA would come in handy for more than a few things!

...Now I just need to find the sa2 character theme ADX files...
Anyone care to offer any ideas as to what they may be called?
I can't find the "full versions" (=the ones playable from sound test) in here, except for Sonic's and Shadow's themes...

Edit 2: I found them. It turns out there are no "full versions" on the dreamcast disc. Here I was, looking for the full EGGMAN theme, when it doesn't actually appear in game as more than a 48-second looped adx. Aww, poo... Now the main theme is still hiding, though...

Edit 3: I found the main theme. It's Boss_07.adx. All the themes are T[#]_{charname}.adx. (Sonic and Shadow are T1, Amy, Eggman, and Tails are T9. Rouge is T2, and Knuckles is T3.)

Edit: Too many .bin files!! I don't know what to do with them/how to view them/etc, either...
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