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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  EvilMag Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:16 pm

PSO Palace seems a bit off sometimes when I get on it.
Windows 7 hates PSO Palace PSOpalce
God damn it, the picture is cut off a bit I think but you get the idea.

idk if there is a way to fix it, I have no problems with it, kinda annoys me tho.
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  hayame Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:07 pm

why so much contrast?

anyway, no problem for me at 1920x1440
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  Aleron Ives Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:03 pm

Siku made the theme, not me. It's probably a problem with Firefarce rather than Windows 7.
Aleron Ives
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  EvilMag Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:03 pm

I never said you made the skin, i'm just pointing it out.

And It never did this on firefox when I was on XP.
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  Wing Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:26 am

I get this on Firefox sometimes. Usually I see the top tabs, Home, FAQ, Search, etc. Twice and beside each other. Sometimes the banner doesn't even load. Nothing serious though.

I use vista, because I suck.

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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  Moopthehedgehog Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:29 pm

Wing wrote:I get this on Firefox sometimes. Usually I see the top tabs, Home, FAQ, Search, etc. Twice and beside each other. Sometimes the banner doesn't even load. Nothing serious though.

I use vista, because I suck.---whoa, you agree vista sucks? Cool.


Do firefox and chrome use similar coding or w/e it is called that makes them work?

Occasionally (rarely) the background of the site (the "style of doom" honeycomb) doesn't load and instead is all white and weird...

It works fine on IE and Safari, never had any problems (XP)...

This site has major Dreamcast issues, but that's to be expected, I suppose.

Any other browser-related bugs that are worth noting?
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  hayame Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:39 pm

firefox never fucked me over, just had alot of memory leak.

google chrome is niec and hasn't.
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  Aleron Ives Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:21 pm

It's fairly common for the page to not be decompressed and I get gzip'ed gibberish instead of the site. Cool

EvilMag wrote:I never said you made the skin, i'm just pointing it out.
I was just pointing out that I can't fix it even if we find the problem, haha.
Aleron Ives
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  Moopthehedgehog Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:37 pm

Aleron Ives wrote:It's fairly common for the page to not be decompressed and I get gzip'ed gibberish instead of the site. Cool

EvilMag wrote:I never said you made the skin, i'm just pointing it out.
I was just pointing out that I can't fix it even if we find the problem, haha.

Rolling Eyes

hayame wrote:firefox never fucked me over, just had alot of memory leak.

google chrome is niec and hasn't.


Adblock for chrome also helps to eliminate those weird adds.

Meseta delivery, anyone?
--I think that one has been around since '03/'04...

**Just as a side note: I ran the Windows 7 upgrade advisor on my pc (2gb ram, 1.70ghz Pentium M, blah blah blah), and I only passed 3/6 requirements... It said my pc wasn't good enough to display the windows aero theme... LOL.
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  hayame Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:07 pm

Moopthehedgehog wrote:
Aleron Ives wrote:It's fairly common for the page to not be decompressed and I get gzip'ed gibberish instead of the site. Cool

EvilMag wrote:I never said you made the skin, i'm just pointing it out.
I was just pointing out that I can't fix it even if we find the problem, haha.

Rolling Eyes

hayame wrote:firefox never fucked me over, just had alot of memory leak.

google chrome is niec and hasn't.


Adblock for chrome also helps to eliminate those weird adds.

Meseta delivery, anyone?
--I think that one has been around since '03/'04...

**Just as a side note: I ran the Windows 7 upgrade advisor on my pc (2gb ram, 1.70ghz Pentium M, blah blah blah), and I only passed 3/6 requirements... It said my pc wasn't good enough to display the windows aero theme... LOL.

lol aero is useless and only for looks.
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Windows 7 hates PSO Palace Empty Re: Windows 7 hates PSO Palace

Post  Moopthehedgehog Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:22 am

hayame wrote:

lol aero is useless and only for looks.

Agreed. But at least Windows 7>Vista

Btw, Internet Explorer 5.01 on windows 3.1 works here Very Happy
--Only thing is that the chatbox is much buggier than normal; the javascript doesn't work and I can't actually see much unless it's fullscreen on 640x480 res... good thing I got 800x600 to work...
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