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Pic of your true self

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Pic of your true self Empty Pic of your true self

Post  Wing Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:34 pm

Figured I'd make this. Schtserv has one so why not here for the v2 peoplez Surprised

Not sure if anyone will really post in here, it's not a big deal to me really. I just felt it more appropriate to make a topic for this rather than post this in the pso pics topic. Feels misplaced there. Could possibly move this to the diary thread, but that's for pso also. Your call Ives.


Here are some old ones of myself.. Few months back:
The Man behind the mask... er FOney..
Pic of your true self Me

Pic of your true self Me_again

I went to the Army Reserve Base in Phoenix, Arizona today, since my bro is Army (National Guard technically). They were having a Christmas Family day thing, since this is their last gathering at the base before Christmas. So the boys got some lovely R&R.

I wish I had taken moar pix Dx

But I did get one of me holding a real Machine Pistol 5.
Pic of your true self MP5
Amazing how lightweight and comfortable it is. I'd get one, but it's covert operations. Would definitely need clearance to use a gun like that Dx

This pic came out bad =/ I took it off my dad's cam (Yes. A picture of a picture LOL.) I didn't think of taking one at the time. That's a real AH-64 D Apache next to me. Glare because I took off another camera. xD
Pic of your true self AH-64DApache

And here is the soldier guy. Believe it or not, he's actually 29 lol.
Pic of your true self SamNationalGuard
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Pic of your true self Empty Re: Pic of your true self

Post  Laura Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:43 pm

Cool piccies! Very Happy

Number of posts : 5
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-12-26

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Pic of your true self Empty Re: Pic of your true self

Post  Wing Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:38 pm

Lmao. Someone posted in here xD

Noticed your age. You the same Laura from schtserv that posts A LOT in off topic? =P
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Pic of your true self Empty Re: Pic of your true self

Post  Aleron Ives Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:11 pm

Yes, she PMed me a while ago about Ver.2 and apparently decided to join here. Surprised

"Fear the HUnewearl."
Pic of your true self Awesonic_small
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Pic of your true self Empty Re: Pic of your true self

Post  Wing Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:15 am


Well, the more the merrier.

You going to just say hi hi, or play V2 as well? ;P
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Number of posts : 329
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-04-23

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