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Epic Find at Goodwill

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Epic Find at Goodwill Empty Epic Find at Goodwill

Post  Aoko Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:07 pm

While I was doing my externship (same thing as an internship, done thru my school), I was working in the back of the Goodwill Computer Works store that's here. There were many things that I saw that passed through there that you wouldn't believe. No, I'm serious. A 3DO came in through here, if any of you remembers that. lol!

Anyway, coming in late about two weeks ago (our schedules were really lax since we were considered volunteers) one of the other interns (because externs sound odd) and a guy I used to go to school with pointed out to me that a Megaman X Collection for Gamecube was in the dvd bin after sorting through some of the boxes that came in the truck. I thought, "That's kewl, I've been wanting to play Megaman X and X-5 for a while." Once I dug it up, right underneath that game (which is like a $10 at least), I dug up Phantasy Star Online Version 1&2 Plus for the Gamecube. I had been wanting to get that game for a very long time now but never had the money (a used copy still goes for between $75~150). So yeah, two Gamecube games for $4, sounds legit. Cool

So now I at least have some form of multiplayer ability at home since I don't have internet; just gotta pester my buddy to come over whenever he can. lol

Number of posts : 24
Age : 38
Registration date : 2011-06-26


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Epic Find at Goodwill Empty Re: Epic Find at Goodwill

Post  Aleron Ives Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:00 pm

It's beneficial that you found PSO+, seeing as its only feature over the regular version is having more quests on the disc to use in offline mode.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
Socially-Devoid Member
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Epic Find at Goodwill Empty Re: Epic Find at Goodwill

Post  Aoko Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:12 pm

Indeed. At first, I thought it was the regular version but when I saw the plus, I knew I had the better. It also had the manual and everything. The disk is also perfect in condition, so that was a plus, too.

Number of posts : 24
Age : 38
Registration date : 2011-06-26


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