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My PSO doodles

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My PSO doodles Empty My PSO doodles

Post  Number 2 Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:53 pm

Something new? Yes! Since I have no idea where to share this to. I mean no. I'm not going to share it to PSO-World since I hate them ever since the old days.

First I guess I'll show what I have done about a year and a half ago.
Old drawing of my characters:
My PSO doodles Characters

And now see what I'm able to do today. It took me about 15 minutes each on these drawings.
My PSO doodles Levi
She owns all the Lavis weapons. Bet you never knew that huh?

My PSO doodles Yalyn-1
He has issues.

My PSO doodles Lyn
How she daydreams and able to be a sharpshooter I don't know.

My PSO doodles Sayara
She has to deal with idiots everyday.

My PSO doodles Kel
A cocky bastard indeed.

My PSO doodles Aveon
He is the villain after all. He should have more battle scars...

My PSO doodles Mia
Little girl with a short temper.

My PSO doodles Alwaz
Oops. Made him fat. More like a fat Asian more like.

My PSO doodles Uo
Did you know he is a ninja? Holy crap.

And then me:

My PSO doodles Number2
Grumpy, old, grey-hair, man. Goes by the classic line of Roger Murtaugh's "I'm too old for this shit!"

I missed a minor character I needed to draw which is that HUcast. Oh well.

Anyway. Funny how my drawings get mature...

Number 2
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Number of posts : 56
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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