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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Aleron Ives
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  hayame Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:51 pm



I can honestly say, Fuck getting a 3ds.

And IF (i say IF, so no stupid responses) IF IF IF IF, sony decides to do homebrew, i believe that this would be a big one for them.
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  Aleron Ives Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:43 pm

So, what's the gimmick this time? I assume they decided to unveil it early since the PSP is essentially dead commercially now that you don't need CFW to run bootleg or homebrew stuff on it.
Aleron Ives
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  hayame Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:22 pm

Aleron Ives wrote:So, what's the gimmick this time? I assume they decided to unveil it early since the PSP is essentially dead commercially now that you don't need CFW to run bootleg or homebrew stuff on it.

well i think it's their way of catching up to the "newer" generation, if think about it.. Touch screen, dual camera, gps (yeah i hear that it's going to have 3g connectivity) along with newer features to the psp itself. Things that they should've added like another analog.
but honestly, it's still big news, and it's kinda expected that sony would do another version of the psp (think about Playstation Move and Microsofts Kinect, they had to catch up to the wii) so that sony wouldn't lose the competition towards nintendo. The newer psp models did a great job with blocking custom firmware, but i guess they were too limited to trying to keep older features with them.
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  Aleron Ives Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:39 pm

If Sony wants to hold a candle to Nintendo, they should focus on making games that are worth buying, not making shiny graphics that reduce your battery life to 30 minutes. If they embraced homebrew, they'd have a big advantage over Nintendo in terms of what the PSP2 could do.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  hayame Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:42 pm

Aleron Ives wrote:If Sony wants to hold a candle to Nintendo, they should focus on making games that are worth buying, not making shiny graphics that reduce your battery life to 30 minutes. If they embraced homebrew, they'd have a big advantage over Nintendo in terms of what the PSP2 could do.

Same thing goes over to Playstation move and microsofts kinect. But They're porting games over from the ps3, + estimated hours of battery under use is 4-5hours, games to be released with is Uncharted and Little Big Planet, both in which are really great games coming from many people. and it is running android so i believe homebrew is a big possibility.

But i think having atleast something to compete with is better than having nothing.
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  hayame Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:37 am

I wanted to also add this, seeing as how the 3ds is priced at $250, so will the NGP.
Really weird to see Sony competing with another company than microsoft.
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  Moopthehedgehog Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:49 pm

hayame wrote:I wanted to also add this, seeing as how the 3ds is priced at $250, so will the NGP.
Really weird to see Sony competing with another company than microsoft.

I agree with this. Nintendo's [seemed to me to have] always been that company that just stands to the side of the Sony-Microsoft brawl and invents random stuff.

Last edited by Moopthehedgehog on Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  hayame Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:05 pm

Moopthehedgehog wrote:
hayame wrote:I wanted to also add this, seeing as how the 3ds is priced at $250, so will the NGP.
Really weird to see Sony competing with another company than microsoft.

I agree with this. Nintendo's [seemed to me to have] always been that company that just stands to the side of the Sony-Microsoft brawl and invents random stuff.

I mean really, they try all kinds of gimmicky stuff like this to get their loyal fans *coughhayamecough* to have some reason to stand by them, even if it means going after arguably the most successful games company ever... I mean this looks just like the PS2 versus the Dreamcast--it's getting the Sony fanbase all jittery about waiting 9 months instead of going out and buying a revolutionary console. Sheesh, Sony, try something new, would ya?

If the PS3 is any example to go by, and if Sony doesn't learn from their mistakes and actually embrace homebrew, this will just wind up another console hacked up the wazoo. I guess the real triumph here will be if Sony can get that raymodeler out before really bad things start happening. Then again, Sony's got the money to get through just about anything, and they do make darn good TVs & movie players, if I do say so myself.

When it all comes down to it, it's really technology vs. originality in this fight. Who will win? Only time will tell...

Lol me being a loyal fan, how about you stop being a hypocrite with Sega Dreamcast, not so long ago when you introduced yourself to us, on one of your post or signature you had "DC 4 LIFE" or an equivalent saying, and look at you now, defending the dreamcast vs the ps2.

Why would sony want to try something new? if their old method made them money, then they'll do it again UNTIL they stop making money. You mad over someone making money in this world? get used to it. Look at nintendo, how many big franchise fps games like call of duty, etc. are on there? And even if they do, how big is the number of players that play it on the wii compared to the ps3/360? If nintendo fell into the line where it was like that, their fans would get mad at them for not focusing on what THEY want, it's not about technology vs originality, It's about supply and demand, you even gave me an example a while ago. Nintendo themselves know that they should give the people what they want.

Sony themselves don't mind homebrew, it's till the point where copyright infringement is going to get involved.

You agreed with me then called me out. -_-

edit: Very Happy yes that was necessary, since the last time I posted a wall of text against you got deleted, now's the time to make it up, And yes that post was totally irreverent to what you were agreeing on.
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  DoctorN Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:14 pm

segas just chillin for the day when all the other companies blow up and they re-release to the worls the genesis and it takes over as the video game monopoly

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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  MuCast Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:39 pm

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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  Moopthehedgehog Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:22 pm

Ok, I have one thing to say: Wow. Just wow.
Why the hell did I write that? I can't even begin to fathom what I was thinking when I wrote that. I don't even agree with my own point of view, and my point of view above conflicts with itself. What the hell was I thinking?!

I'm really sorry about that, that was a classic "not thinking about it" moment. I think I was trying to say that I agree with you that it's weird to see Sony competing with not Microsoft... but somehow that happened...

Can we just please delete all record of that craptastic post and forget it ever existed?
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  hayame Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:28 pm

It's all good moop O:

and by delete crap, you mean this?

DoctorN wrote:segas just chillin for the day when all the other companies blow up and they re-release to the worls the genesis and it takes over as the video game monopoly

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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  Rylin Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:32 am

A fairly random thought, but as far as portable gamming goes, you all know PSO PC runs on most modern 250$ XP/7 netbooks right? Just throwing that out there. Plus if you get one with a decent Hard drive you can put videos and music on it.

Not to mention all the SNES/Genesis/ emulators will run as well.

What else do you need in a portable gaming system really?

This whole post is meant in good fun btw. Im not serious...mostly.

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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  hayame Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:54 pm


More ram than ipad/ipad2, even has a better cpu and actual controls for that fact :Roll:
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  Moopthehedgehog Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:15 am

Let's see it do glasses-free 3D Razz
But, seriously, those are some darn good specs. It's got more combined RAM+VRAM than an Xbox 360/PS3!
And it's got a quad-core? (Lol @ the 640x480, though)
And 3G? And Wireless-N? Geez. What is this, a computer?
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Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP Empty Re: Sony Reveals the Playstation NGP

Post  hayame Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:46 pm

Moopthehedgehog wrote:Let's see it do glasses-free 3D Razz

3D doesn't grab my attention, how bout you go back to your 3ds and have yourself to adjust to the screen so you can, so called, "experience" 3d with no glasses Rolling Eyes

EDIT: and at this point, getting either psvita or 3ds right now or even soon in the future is a possibility since the exclusives for BOTH handhelds seem to grab my attention as of now.
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