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Favorite Band?

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Favorite Band? Empty Favorite Band?

Post  TheDeFIler Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:12 am

As the topic states what is your favorite band/artist and how did you get to love that band?

As you can see my band is Social Distortion (Social D). I got acquainted to them from a friend of mine during my Home Depot days 7 years ago. I was already into punk (The Sex Pistols, The Clash, Rancid, Green day and Pennywise) before I met Social D. I gotta say, I was hooked into this band from day 1. I'm listening to the new album as we speak and yes it's different but I saw it coming, They have always walked the line between punk and country since their self title album in 1990. Not only was it the sound but the lyrics of Mike Ness that had me hooked since day 1. So what are your musical stories?
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