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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  aphrodia81 Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:49 pm

Alright. My PSO PC game has just crashed, and I was wondering something (this will all come out a bit strange):

I was in an Ult Forest game with my fomarl that I think was started by a hacker, and so, the first thing I did was attempt to kill two el rappies. After one rafoie, the rappies died. Strange and odd enough. The initial barble mob seemed a bit weak as well, but not too much out of the ordinary, I guess.

I was joined by a hunewearl who likes to use fast-casting rabartas and megid. The next room we went into had three silence claws, and in the third room, two hearts of opa opa dropped. And then, I guess the rabartas she cast got too much for my comp and for PSO, 'cause I just now crashed.

Now, I know next to nothing about how to hack on PSO, and what people who do cheat and hack on there, what they use to do it. Is there a way to increase drop rates on PSO via hacking and cheating, because I feel like the drop rates in that one Ultimate Forest were a little too crazy to have been 'enhanced' by the Enhancement Pack, or does the EP tend to do that?

Seriously.. I found up to four Silence Claws, three Parasite Armor: Nelgals (sp?) and two hearts of opa opa, the latter of which I'm sure is kinda rare on V2, right?

If those drop rates are caused by hacks, then, I may feel like dumping all the items I found just to keep my integrity. I mean, I like Ult games as much as the next person, but JEEZ..

Number of posts : 21
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Registration date : 2010-06-20

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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Re: Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  Aleron Ives Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:18 pm

The leader was using the drop rares patch, which disables the use of the ItemRT rates in pso.exe and sets every rate to the maximum. Yes, all of the drops were hacked.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Re: Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  aphrodia81 Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:40 pm

Aleron Ives wrote:The leader was using the drop rares patch, which disables the use of the ItemRT rates in pso.exe and sets every rate to the maximum. Yes, all of the drops were hacked.

Aww.. Well, that sucks. That just takes the fun and challenge out of Ultimate, doesn't it? x.x

Thanks for the tip.

EDIT: One funny thing I noticed from playing there, from Forest to Caves, just now: not a single technique disk dropped. Wow. XD

Last edited by aphrodia81 on Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : addendum)

Number of posts : 21
Age : 40
Registration date : 2010-06-20

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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Re: Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  Moopthehedgehog Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:39 pm

Really? only 1? I can get up to 3-6 Shocked

It's probably your section ID...
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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Re: Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  aphrodia81 Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:13 pm

Moopthehedgehog wrote:Really? only 1? I can get up to 3-6 Shocked

It's probably your section ID...

Are you referring to the technique disks I didn't find? I didn't see a single one. It must have been a side effect from that patch.

As for the Caves run, so many red daggers (7?), so little time.. And Kasami Bracers.. and Hanter's Shells.. and a Ranger Field, and Sacred Cloths! LOTS OF THOSE. Especially after I quit after we reached Cave 3. Playing in a Game Genie-d game with hackers felt kinda boring after a while.

It was so crazy. And cheap. Razz

I'm Purplenum, BTW. I forget what the other people's IDs may have been, after I rejoined the party after my game crashed. It might have been Purplenum again. I'd have to verify on my own.

At least I just finished Ultimate Forest offline, and found 3 red handguns, and kept one (20% AB/40% Machine after tekking), and an Ancient Saber. My FOmarl cannot use the saber, but.. Yay. Also discovered that the Broom can actually hit off a little. That was fun. Smile

Number of posts : 21
Age : 40
Registration date : 2010-06-20

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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Re: Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  Moopthehedgehog Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:14 pm

Any techs offline?
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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Re: Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  aphrodia81 Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:24 pm

Moopthehedgehog wrote:Any techs offline?

Heh. Oh, yeah. Very Happy

Grants lv. 16
Zalure lv. 16
Gifoie lv. 17

Not bad for an Ultimate noob, even though I used to only solo Ultimate Forest back on Sega BB (was too scared to do Caves or Ruins, and only did Mines once without fighting Vol Opt v.2).

Number of posts : 21
Age : 40
Registration date : 2010-06-20

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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Re: Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  Aleron Ives Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:33 pm

You can use the Ancient Saber if you install the EP, FYI.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/ Empty Re: Random question about Ultimate Drop Rates :/

Post  aphrodia81 Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:37 pm

Aleron Ives wrote:You can use the Ancient Saber if you install the EP, FYI.

You're tempting me... XD

(That sounds fun, though; why not? They got to use them on BB...)

Maybe when my FOmarl gets more levels, I'll consider the Ludicrous mode. Very Happy Right now, getting past Sil Dragon offline was a struggle. :/

Number of posts : 21
Age : 40
Registration date : 2010-06-20

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