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Is there an Accelerated or High Drop Ship/Server/etc for PSOBB?

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Is there an Accelerated or High Drop Ship/Server/etc for PSOBB? Empty Is there an Accelerated or High Drop Ship/Server/etc for PSOBB?

Post  Cambios Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:50 am

Ok... be gentle if I am asking something insane or rude. I don't mean to be.

I've played thousands of hours of this game over the years. DC v1, DC v2, GC, and then XBOX. The idea of playing it on the PC is fun, but honestly I can't see myself putting hundreds+ hours in again leveling up characters, hunting rares, etc.

Is there an accelerated or super high drop rate server? I hope that doesn't sound lame, but I just don't have the gaming time now that I used to, but I'd love to experience the content I never saw (like ep4), and I really miss all my old characters and weapons. Hunting them down again is just a little too time consuming these days.

PSOBB has such superior graphics, controls, and features, I'd much rather stick with it than having to go into the "wild west" of PSO for PC v2.

Any help is much appreciated!


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-03-10

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Is there an Accelerated or High Drop Ship/Server/etc for PSOBB? Empty Re: Is there an Accelerated or High Drop Ship/Server/etc for PSOBB?

Post  Aleron Ives Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:33 pm

Post on SCHTServ if you want BB information.
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
Socially-Devoid Member
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Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-03-24


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