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Tales of Koridon

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Would you like to see my crappy anime/manga?

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Total Votes : 8
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Tales of Koridon Empty Tales of Koridon

Post  Flash T.H. Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:31 pm

Yeah, it's a manga based off of my own fan-made branch of the Tales Series.
I would post some, but I busted the computer we use for scanning, so we have to wait. Plus, the words aren't exactly... legible. AND you don't know what to read first. So, who want's to see it when I have the chance?

Edit: Sorry guys, when I scanned it, the color... it was supershined, so you can't even read it...

Edit2: Yay! I'm currently remaking the whole thing, so I will be able to make it soon! Stick around and anticipate!

Last edited by Flash T.H. on Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Update!)
Flash T.H.
Flash T.H.
Turbo Member
Turbo Member

Number of posts : 365
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-05-28


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