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so uh hey.

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so uh hey. Empty so uh hey.

Post  LKA Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:14 pm

since its sorta dead here or something.



downloading via torrent right now since the one i found on filefront was horrendously watered down and all the sound was screwy. and there were no musics. and my friend couldn't get it working.

so yeah.

uh.. sup.

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so uh hey. Empty ...

Post  Flash T.H. Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:45 am

... What?

Oh, hey...

Um... could you kinda type that in something that is understandable?

Not that i can't read..
Flash T.H.
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so uh hey. Empty Re: so uh hey.

Post  LKA Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:42 pm

It's easy to understand. Just free your feelings.

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so uh hey. Empty Re: so uh hey.

Post  Aleron Ives Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:18 pm

Yeah. Since nobody really gives a rat's ass about old PSO versions anymore, this place is pretty dead.

...In other news, I finished Resist Mod 2.0. Surprised

"Fear the HUnewearl."
so uh hey. Awesonic_small
Aleron Ives
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so uh hey. Empty Re: so uh hey.

Post  LKA Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:56 pm

I told one of my friends I was going to actually have a legit chara on PSO Pc and he replied with

"Why are you playing PSOPC legitly :V"

Though, seeing a RAcaseal using a Psycho Wand is amazing.

Legit and hacked have their own charms to them and I like both styles.

Also, working word select is great <3

And not being booted after finishing a quest. PSOPC is kinda rockin.

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so uh hey. Empty Re: so uh hey.

Post  Aleron Ives Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:35 am

Outright blatant cheating gets old quite fast, though. When everything dies instantly, the game isn't very enjoyable. Going around PKing people gets dull quickly, too. As for the differences between Ver.2 and 3, most of them are in Ultimate mode. Not getting sent to the lobby after completing a quest is something that only happens offline, when you're online you get sent to the lobby afterwards.

"Fear the HUnewearl."
so uh hey. Awesonic_small
Aleron Ives
Aleron Ives
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so uh hey. Empty Re: so uh hey.

Post  LKA Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:57 am

Yeah, for the cheat chara, I ramp up the difficulty as high as I can using the trainers so I can still fight things without killing everything instantly.

Also the opening movie is so much more kickass than BB's lame slideshow <3


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so uh hey. Empty Wait, what?

Post  Flash T.H. Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:25 pm

You can PK players on PSO PC? How?

Edit: Don't answer that if it involves battle mode.
Flash T.H.
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so uh hey. Empty Re: so uh hey.

Post  Wing Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:31 pm

Very carefully? xD

I've been nearly killed by someone's needle once, got me down to 1 hp in a normal run. Happened during a resta cast and somehow I got hit with the booma being targeted. I had more than enough dfp at the time, so I know it wasn't the booma that did that to me.

I cast resta on another guy once, then immediately used my scythe to attack, it hit the booma he was next to, and he died. They were beside each other.

Game wasn't lagging, and he said on my screen that I killed him.

Lol, I'm not sure exactly how, but it's funny when it happens. For people that do it on purpose, well I just don't play with random people.
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so uh hey. Empty Re: so uh hey.

Post  Aleron Ives Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:21 pm

PK involves codes that allow you to target other players and kill them like enemies, among other things. You'll get banned if you use them. As for targetting glitches, it's fun to use a Star Atomizer and then freeze people with Frozen Shooter. Razz

"Fear the HUnewearl."
so uh hey. Awesonic_small
Aleron Ives
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Post  Flash T.H. Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:43 am

Ya, know what? I once PK'd someone online before, and he said that I was being a noob for killing him. Shocked I didn't know how I did. I guess I used a code that I didn't know what I did, but I don't recall using one. confused It's like a glitch: I did have a Star Atomizer at the time in blue, and I used my Sword on accident (Dim Sword, used extra instead of heavy lol! ) and I killed him with luck. I had no I dea what I did. If you want to PK some one online, just have star atomizers! Razz

(There should be a topic in the General Section about PKing.)
Flash T.H.
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